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5% Buy/Sell Tax
2% Burn
1% Dispersed To Holders
1% Sent To Liquidity Pool
1% sent to Marketing/Development Wallet


5% Buy/Sell Tax
2% Burn
1% Dispersed To Holders
1% Sent To Liquidity Pool
1% sent to Marketing/Development Wallet

How To Buy

Step 1

Download Metamask Wallet

Step 2

Add Polygon (POL) Network to Metamask Wallet

Step 3

Fund Metamask Wallet with POL Token

Note: If you are purchasing POL on the ethereum network, for example, on Coinbase,, etc., please use a bridge to send your POL tokens to the Polygon network. If you are using Moonpay, no bridge is required. Just ensure that you select the Polygon (Polygon) option and not the Polygon (ERC-20) option when purchasing your POL token.

Step 4

Connect Metamask Wallet to the Uniswap Application

Step 5


Step 6

Add token address to wallet to make tokens visible in Metamask UI

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Smart Contract Address / Project Info

Blockchain : Polygon

Token Contract Address

0xE8a45aC2A6b765b3dfA44728dfE8C7eb67Ff02E4 content_copy

Burn Wallet Address

Auto : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Manual : 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD

Token Supply : 25 Trillion

Token Symbol : SJT

Token Decimal : 18

Initial Token Burnt : 15%

Locked Liquidity:

TX Hash: 0x955af835cdf7503264e028f54bb9358
bc4cecbf97110e3006c1a2c3b3172ec47 content_copy

Unilocker: Verification

Liquidity Pair Address:

F04dd2E2C9ADEa807332 content_copy

Contract Audit Report

Blockchain : Polygon

Token Contract Address

0x6eEf24B2EDb47Cf753069f42CDAc9DCBD2eB2f80 content_copy

Burn Wallet Address

Auto : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Manual : 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD

Token Supply : 25 Trillion

Token Symbol : DHT

Token Decimal : 18

Initial Token Burnt : 15%

Locked Liquidity:

TX Hash: 0xbf790247eb831946e7647d841d2a97f2f0
20c0817145cc513c66817a0b95c9b0 content_copy

Unilocker: Verification

Liquidity Pair Address:

c4B7D8A1C61113967cF63 content_copy

Contract Audit Report

Token Allocation

45% to Liquidity pool

20% to project developer

15% Burnt

15% for presale to raise liquidity

5% to project Marketing/Development


To give your token an edge, send manual burns to the manual burn wallet.

Block Explorer: Polygonscan

Token Allocation

45% to Liquidity pool

20% to project developer

15% Burnt

15% for presale to raise liquidity

5% to project Marketing/Development


Legacies live on

Top Meme Coins, MAGA Coins, Election Coins

Disclaimer :

The Sleepy Joe Token and Donald Hump Token was created for entertainment purposes only. This project is not affiliated or endorsed by either Joe Biden or Donald Trump

Sponsored by: MM Bookstore


An Innovative Ideas, LLC. project.

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milady meme coin | solana meme coins | Maga | Top meme coins | USA Election 2024 coins | Doland Tremp Coin | Kamala Horris coin | wall street memes coin